Walsertreffen - Walser meetings
Sep 26, 2019
Since 1962, the Walser are celebrating a great meeting every three years. Walser from all over to world come together in a Walser village. Up to 2000 men and women wearing their colourful costumes experience these meetings as highlights. Music-, singing- and local costume groups as well as bands contribute to a cheerful ambience outside and on the festive evening. A shared church service calls for prayer and reflection. A great pageant terminates the meeting.
Walsertreffen in Alagna
Oct 03, 2007
Bei strahlendem Herbstwetter trafen sich vom 21. bis 23. September 2007 ca. 2000 Walser aus allen Walserkolonien zwischen Widderstein und Mont Blanc in Alagna (Provinz Vercelli im Piemont), am Fuße des Monte Rosa.
Walser meeting in Galtür
Sep 25, 2007
The Walser meeting in Galtür from 8 to 12 September turned out a great fair. Some Walser formed groups and reached the 1600m high lying valley with bikes or on foot. On Friday 10 September, a get-together evening the band “Kanapee” from Großwalsertal played. On Saturday, the village was full of colourful costumes.