Religious life of the Walser and the people from Valais
Oct 12, 2006
The Walser were pobably even more exposed to nature as their ancestors in the primal homeland: cold, storm, snow and avalanches in winter; dryness and drought in summer. People were needed that could stand up against this challenge. They took this strength and support from the faith that had already been practiced by their ancestors.
The reformation in Graubünden
Oct 12, 2006
The Walser are catholics!
The following assumption is common whereever the faifth of the migrants and their descendents is being discussed: The Walser however are catholic. This is true for the larger part of the settlers in the Walser regions. The Walser remained true to their ancestor’s faifth in the Italian valleys south of the Monte Rosa, in Pomatt, Bosco-Gurin, Sarganserland, Triesenberg and Vorarlberg.