Culture | Settlement Way


Oct 12, 2006
Culture | Settlement Way
Walser way of settling in Vorarlberg

Walser way of settling in Vorarlberg

Oct 12, 2006
High-lying pastures normally were leased-out to bigger groups of settlers rather than individuals. The land was divided up between the families who built their homes and barns in the middle of the assigned land for economic reasons.
Culture | Settlement Way
Settlement methods in Wallis

Settlement methods in Wallis

Oct 12, 2006
The Settlement method in Wallis can be illustrated by using the "Dorf" (village) Mühlebach as an example. The compact "Dorf" built in the oldest timber construction methods of Switzerland. In the year 2002, a scientific study funded by the Swiss national fund and the Walliser Bauernhausforschung into the research of timber constructions led to some exciting results. On the basis of the year ring analyses (dendrochronology) twelve very old houses, so called "Heidehischer", were dated between 1381 and 1497.
Culture | Settlement Way
The alp-villages in Vorarlberg
Culture | Settlement Way
How did the Walser settle?

How did the Walser settle?

Oct 12, 2006
Is there a common way of settlement? As a basic principle, the Romans settled in cramped surroundings in hamlets and villages. The Germanic tribes prefer a loose way of settlements with scattered buildings. Where this was not possible due to avalanches, mud flows or mountain torrents, the Walser built closed settlements.
Culture | Settlement Way
Scattered Walser settlements in Graubünden

Scattered Walser settlements in Graubünden

Oct 13, 2006
A special characteristic of the industrial way of the Walser and with it the building of stables is the enormous number of stables and hay saved, that are scattered far and wide in the agriculturally used areas. The steep land and the short time available for the hay harvest require the storage of feed to be decentralised.