Sportello Linguistico Walser
Walser language wicket
Headquarters: Alagna Valsesia, Fraz. Centro 1 – Italy
Tel. (+39) 0163 91361 Fax (+39) 0163 91420
E-mail: or
Overseer: Ms. Federica Cairo
Opening time: open from Tuesday to Saturday. (Saturdays afternoon and Mondays closed)
Morning time: 08.30 a.m - 12.30 a.m Afternoon time: 02.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m
1. Translations into Tittschu, German und English
2. Information about walser culture
3. Support for scholars of walser traditions
4. Archivi of walser documents
5. Relationships with the other walser language wickets and Regione Piemonte
6. Information and researches about the ecomuseum of the Walser area and Walser toponimy
7. Attendance to Walser conferences