Trade and Economics | Trade

Walser and trade

The trade routes and markets that already existed to a large part before the Walser offered the possibility to market both agricultural and crafted products.

The Walser erected long paths in order to drive the cattle to the markets and to connect the villages. By this the access to the large trade routes was given.

The routes often were simple trails or paths for carts. The local as well as the large trade routes, many of which only have historic importance today, promoted the economic development in the Walser regions. Goods and people were often transported beyond the respective regional and national borders.

Many Walser were actively trading on these routes and markets. With the supra-regional trade the Walser found work, learned languages and how to deal with complicated custom duties and payments.

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Berner Oberland
Verbania im Piemont
Vercelli im Piemont
Vorarlberg und Tirol
Der Simplon
Important trade routes and markets
Traders- commodities- currencies
Development in transportation