Presumably, there was real summer activity in Laterns before the Walser
came. Romans worked there as woodworkers, hunter or herdsmen which is testified
by still Reatoroman field names. The name Laternsertal (Laterns valley) is also
Reatoroman as well as Damüls, Fontanella, Raggal, Marul or Galtür. The name
appears for the first time in 1177 as “Mons Clauturni”. For many years, it was
called the “Tal Gattern” what from today’s name emerged.
The eldest Vorarlberg document about the Walser immigration is from Laterns. On
29 May 1313, Johannes and Wilhelm, native of Valais, received the estate in
Glattern as long lease from Lord Rudolf II and Berthold von Montfort.