Rheintal and Walgau
Starting from the mountain Pfänder near Bregenz, Walser farms can be seen on the slopes of the Rhine Valley and Walgau. Offsets reached as far as Hohenweiler and Hirschberg. However, this are not exclusively Walser settlements but rather sporadic settlements that are spread between non-Walser settlements of the colonists.
In the Dornbirn area, Schwendi (part of Bödele) of which a Walser lease
is documented in 1403. counts for a Walser settlement. Next to this, Walser
settled in Ebnit and started clearing in the shade of the Pauliner convent. The
contract of lease from “Ebenot” dates 1 May 1351.
Those Walser that populated the “ems”-part of Ebnit probably came over
the Ems-Reute. South of this line there are various mountain communities with
Walser farms, like: Meschach, Fraxern, Viktorsberg, Dafins, Buchebrunnen, Furx,
Suldis and Übersaxen. On the right side of the Walgau there are Dünserberg,
Schnifisberg, Thüringerberg, Ludescherberg, Laz and Muttersberg. There are also
Walser farms in Nenzingerber and Bürserberg which mainly emerged between 1300
and 1350.